Dr. Heather Hill-Vásquez, Department of English, University of Detroit Mercy |
Format Requirements
Writing assignments and handouts not following the requirements below will not be accepted and will lose several points per day (not per class meeting; see syllabus) until the requirements are fulfilled. If you manage to turn in an assignment that does not abide by the following requirements and I discover this after class, I will deduct a select number of points (determined at my discretion) from the final grade for the assignment.
Do not turn in a writing assignment until you have fulfilled all of the following requirements.
1. Typed
2. Double-Spaced* (throughout the entire paper: do not add extra spaces between paragraphs)
3. Standard White Paper
4. Standard Font
5. Black ink only
6. 1 - 11/2 Inch Margins (top, bottom, and sides)
7. Staple All Pages in Upper Left Corner (this includes all copies of handouts distributed to students for presentations;
do not hand out separate pages; instead, prepare and staple each packet before class)**
8. Type in Upper Left Corner:
Your Name or Names of Group Members
Course Name
Dr. Hill-Vásquez
Date (make sure you include the correct and current date)
Note: Do not turn in an essay with a separate cover page.
*Single Spacing may be used on Presentation Handouts
**Alternatively, if you have a two-page Presentation handout, you may "double side" it. Do not "double side" other writing assignments.
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