Dr. Heather Hill-Vásquez, Department of English, University of Detroit Mercy |
Recent Research Publications
Sacred Players: The Politics of Response in the Middle English Religious Drama.
The Catholic University of America Press, March 2007.
"Pilgrimage in Medieval Drama." The Brill Encyclopedia of Medieval Pilgrimage. Forthcoming 2007.
"Chaucer's Wife of Bath, Hoccleve's Arguing Women and Lydgate's Hertford Wives: Lay Interpretation and the Figure of the Spinning Woman in Late Medieval England." Forthcoming in Florilegium: an Annual Devoted to the Ancient and Medieval Cultures of Europe, North Africa, and the Near East. Forthcoming 2007.
"Reforming Response: Reception Aesthetics in the Chester Cycle."
Publications of the Medieval Association of the Midwest 8 (2001-03, July 2003): 120-60.
" 'The precious body of Crist that they treytyn in ther hands': 'Miraclis Pleyinge' and the Croxton Play of the Sacrament."
Early Theatre 4 (2001): 53-72.
"The Possibilities of Performance: A Reformation Sponsorship for the Digby Conversion of Saint Paul."
Records of Early English Drama Newsletter 22:1 (1997): 2-20.
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